Thank You, Bread Booth Partners.
We thank local businesses, churches, foundations, corporations, government bodies, civic groups, and individuals who have generously supported the Bread Booth Food Pantry.
Your contributions, whether donations, volunteer work, or other resources, have been invaluable in our mission to fight hunger in our community. Your kindness and dedication have significantly impacted the lives of those in need, and we are truly grateful for your support. Your generosity has made a real difference, ensuring nobody in our community goes without a meal.
Thank you for being part of this essential effort and the guiding lights in our mission.
Project Serve of Mill Creek, WA.
Venture Church of Mill Creek, WA.
North Creek Presbyterian Church of Mill Creek, WA.
Rotary Club of North Creek, WA.
Farmer Frog Snohomish, WA.
Panera Bread, Bothell, WA.
Franz Bread, Lynnwood WA.
All of our amazing volunteers and you!